The ship that looks like a tumor.

It looks like an echography this picture of the Costa Concordia taken from the satellite. An echography in which it’s immediately obvious the presence of something horrible, anomalous, that you would have never liked to see. And find. The Concordia ship, badly lying down there, is something frightening, a monster in a wrong position. A tumor that already killed and that nobody knows how to extract, how to remove from that place.
Who is already dead by that tumor, who lived it as the worst nightmare, doesn’t have any fault. Now everybody can see the Costa Concordia as it appears, and they are afraid that this “tumor” could extend, that could explode scattering his macabre metastasis; nevertheless, the worst thing is that real tumors come from an unknown source. Here, on the other hand, there is a giant signature of his author and partners in crime of this tremendous disaster: in this way, accepting such a bad echography, becomes something impossible.