How do you make your choices?

credit: stuartpilbrow
Sometimes freedom, free will, opportunity to choose can be a trap or become a prison in hands that are not well able to manage those fortunes. Have you ever experience to be in front of a lot of opportunities and instead of feeling happy about that, you feel oppressed, frustrated or even totally stuck by the incapacity to choose?
Also, have you ever experienced to pursue a road and instead of being satisfied, you live that choice in a bad way, obsessed by the idea that another road could have been better; or that you are doing a thing but just for the matter that you choose that one, automatically you will never do all the others that you would have anyway wanted to do?
Have you ever though that in some ways having too much possibilities could be a minus instead of a plus? Maybe it’s true that, for example, who is poorer or simply more mediocre is really happier because he is more free from the chance of doing, having, reaching and so as well thinking?
This concept has been explained very well by Giuseppe Tornatore’s movie The Legend of 1900. The main character “T.D. Lemon Novecento” never got down from the ship, never went to the world, if anything the world went to him, cruise after cruise.
And when his best friend Max dared to ask him why he never wanted to get down on the mainland, he answered: “Are you crazy? How are you able, people who live in the world, to make decisions, to choose in a place so wide and rich of possibilities? If you just think about how many roads are there…”. And then the most important, acute, smart question: “How do you decide for the best one?”.
That’s right: how do we do? How do I do? And you? How do you make your choices?