10 reasons (plus 1) why sometimes I would like to quit Twitter.

credit: eldh
1. Because sometimes I think I would have better things to do.
2. Because sometimes I’m sure there are better things to do.
3. Because in any other situation, the idea of having “followers” would be scary. And there’s a good reason for sure.
4. Because sometimes I appreciated more someone before following him than after.
5. Because I wouldn’t like that happening to me.
6. Because often people who seemed extraordinary to me, become totally ordinary on Twitter.
7. Because I wouldn’t like that happening to me.
8. Because sometimes it’s better to shut up and give the impression of being stupid, than post a tweet and clear any doubt.
9. Because too often, people you follow become your portrait, and this could be dangerous.
10. Because sometimes, as in real life, there are things that I wouldn’t have known and things that I wouldn’t have said.
11. Beacause I still believe in the virtue, common sense and grace of privacy.